Aino Techno Gals: Life Is Real When We Are on the Dance Floor

Aino Techno Gals are much more than three promoters and party lovers who adore dancing. Their presence at all the best events and the passion they show at them have made them a symbol of a new generation of Tokyo clubbers and ravers.
Aino Techno Gals (@aino.technogals) are Mao (@oa__o__), Rika (@karitayummy), and Hao (@0422hao). Photo: Toshimura (@toshimu_rar on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).

Before Aino Techno Gals (@aino.technogals) existed, I was not very clear about my role in the club in Tokyo. I attended as many interesting parties as possible. I danced non-stop in front of the DJ booth. I tried to connect through music with all those around me, mostly strangers, as I couldn’t communicate with my precarious Japanese.

I was doing all of this to show my support for a culture that brings constant happiness, wisdom, and self-knowledge to me, and to all who create it. I was always there because I couldn’t truly live without music, without dancing, and without people enjoying both.

«Aino Techno Gals is a hospitality service of three girls who love techno and explosive dances!» explains Rika. Photo: Toshimura (@toshimu_rar on TwitterInstagramFacebook).

However, the possibilities and inspiration offered by the underground music scene in Japan made me see myself surrounded by DJs, artists, party planners, flyer designers … Everyone seemed to have a much more active role than me, who I just bought my ticket and danced. I felt guilty for bringing little more to the scene than my presence and “perreo” movements perhaps excessive for a Japanese dance floor.

With Rika (@karitayummy), Mao (@oa__o__), and Hao (@0422hao) I shared the front row on the dance floor many times before they became Aino Techno Gals. They, like me, danced non-stop and dressed without taboos at all parties and raves. When they started this project, I realized how wrong I had been all this time. Without them, without me, and without all the techno gals that populate the clubs and raves of the world, this culture would not be culture.

If you see this symbol with the three dots at the club or in a party flyer, it means the Aino Techno Gals will be around!

Chorareii: Explain the Aino Techno Gals project, please!

Rika: Aino Techno Gals is a hospitality service of three girls who love techno and explosive dances!

Mao: We are “Techno Gals¨ but we dance to various genres. Also, for us “gals” includes everyone, like the English word “guys.” 

Hao: We dance at parties and raves. We want you to come to the club as if you were going to a friend’s house.

«We want you to come to the club as if you were going to a friend’s house,» says Hao. Photo from Aino Techno Gals’ secret party by Kana Tarumi (@kanatarumi).

Who are the Gals in the team and what is your connection? 

Rika: We used to go to parties and raves by ourselves, but we often ran into each other at the front row and danced together. Our ages, occupations, hobbies, and tastes are different. What we have in common is that we love dancing to good music. 

Hao: Rika owns the fashion brand ENGELTANZ (@engeltanz_), Mao is now in Berlin receiving various local stimuli, I recently started DJing … The Techno Gals are doing what they want to do.

«Underground parties are hard to spread. We thought it would be great if people could get to know them through us,» explains Mao. Photo from Aino Techno Gals’ secret party by Kana Tarumi (@kanatarumi).

What made you start this project?

Rika: We had a group calendar to share the parties each of us was interested in. We realized that if we shared it with more people, maybe we could find out about other parties.  

Mao: Underground parties are hard to spread. We thought it would be great if people could get to know them through us, so we started sharing the information!

Hao: There are many reasons to go to clubs, but it’s better when you go to a party that suits your mood for the day. We wanted to increase the party options.

«What we have in common is that we love dancing to good music,» explains Rika. Photo from Aino Techno Gals’ secret party by Kana Tarumi (@kanatarumi).

Where can people see the Aino Techno Gals party calendar?

Mao: In our party-sharing calendar you can see when and where the party will be held. Also, in our Instagram stories, we share the parties that will be held on the day to make it easier for everyone to go out. Sometimes we get information directly from the organizers, sometimes we find it ourselves.

Besides providing information about parties, you are still always dancing in the front row. Why is important for you to be at parties?

Rika: I think it’s quite a hurdle to go out alone if you’re not used to clubs. However, if there are people you know, it will be easier and more enjoyable. “I can dance with peace of mind when I have the love of the Techno Gals,” someone said to us once. We are glad to help even a little.

«Protecting the dance floor is not limited to the organizer who hosts the party. Each person must think about it,» says Hao. Photo from Aino Techno Gals’ secret party by Kana Tarumi (@kanatarumi).

Hao: Also, there are situations in clubs that we have to think about, as molesters or any discrimination. I was blamed for being a victim because of my revealing clothes. It was shocking. 

If I want to change these situations, I can’t do it alone. Protecting the dance floor is not limited to the organizer who hosts the party. Each person must think about it. We want to make people think about how to create a comfortable party environment. If you’re reading this and you are scared in the club, talk to us. We may be able to help. 

What do you bring to the parties you go to?

Rika: Love and stamina!

Mao: An open mind!

Hao: I recently bring a shining pacifier whistle and a stuffed animal!! The Siberian Husky stuffed animal is called Rushdie and everyone loves it while I’m dancing!

The DJ Mari Sakurai (@_marisakurai) performing at “Circus of Love”, Aino Techno Gals’ secret party. Photo: Kana Tarumi (@kanatarumi).

You have held your own party, called “The Circus of Love.” How was it?

Rika: It was the best place to love, be loved, and dance together! 

Hao: A couple was born at the party, it opened new doors for some people … It was a wonderful space to start something and make new connections. 

We set up a dress code, but I’m glad that each person prepared makeup and clothes in their own way for that day! 

Mao: If you’re curious about the party, check out the photos posted on our private Instagram account @secret_of_gals_heart

The DJ Yousuke Yukimatsu (@kesuyotsumakiyu) performing at “Circus of Love”, Aino Techno Gals’ secret party. Photo: Kana Tarumi (@kanatarumi).

You are always dancing a lot! I have the feeling that in Japan people are shyer to dance than in other countries. What do you feel when you dance and why is it important to dance?

Mao: When I’m dancing, I feel that my mind and body are connected. Every time I shake my body to the deep bass, I feel my cells super happy. Dancing is the liberation of my spirit. 

Dancing is also a communication that allows you to get along with strangers, it doesn’t matter the language, race, or gender, everyone is already friends!

Rika: When I’m dancing, my whole body starts to breathe, saying “Oh, I’m alive!” I feel better in the morning after dancing to good music all night than in the morning when I was tired and just slept!

«When I’m dancing, my whole body starts to breathe, saying ‘Oh, I’m alive!’,» says Rika. Photo: Kana Tarumi (@kanatarumi).

Hao: I’m pretty shy in my daily life, I’m not good at expressing my thoughts and feelings in words. But mysteriously, when I go to a club or rave, I feel like talking or dancing together.

Sometimes I dance innocently without thinking, but sometimes I’m also arranging my problems in my head! I often dance with the feeling that I want to lose the individual. I wonder if I desire to destroy everything and just dance.

What do you think about the club scene in Tokyo?

Hao: After the party, I feel glad to be alive! I often go home with feelings. 

Recently, I feel that more parties allow me to think. I look at the current situation and beyond from various angles, keeping in mind that each person has a background. I don’t think it’s good to have a party that just means consuming music and dancing. If that continues, the culture itself will eventually disappear.

«Every time I shake my body to the deep bass, I feel my cells super happy. Dancing is the liberation of my spirit,» says Mao. Photo: Kana Tarumi (@kanatarumi).

Rika: Thank you Tokyo for always giving me life! I love Tokyo clubs, organizers, and DJs. 

It would be fun if more people could express without restraint the feeling they get when immersing their bodies in the space and the sound. Also, it will be exciting if more people attach importance to the connection between sound and clothes. 

Mao: I LOVE TOKYO! Thank you for always being for me a place to stay. I’m partying in Berlin now, but I think the club scene in Tokyo is really interesting! I want everyone to go out more.

What is your advice to people to enjoy the party more?

Mao: Don’t forget to be yourself.

Rika: Let’s be free together!

Hao: Sometimes you can try to face yourself through dancing! What makes you feel good, how you can get freedom, who do you want to be. When you dance, emotions that you can’t usually put into words come down together.

«When you dance, emotions that you can’t usually put into words come down together,» says Hao. Photo: Kana Tarumi (@kanatarumi).

What are your plans? What are the Aino Techno Gals preparing now? 

Rika: We are planning to organize another party next year! I’m planning to go to Berlin to see Mao and get inspiration. 

Mao: [In Berlin] I have learned a lot of new values, I see, I listen. I will do my best to bring them to Aino Techno Gals and Tokyo. If you come to Berlin, let’s party together!

Rika is planning to hold her new party LEU (@leu.ueleu) in September, Hao is also appearing as a DJ at various parties now. Both of them are active in Tokyo, so I want everyone to go out!

Hao: We will continue to live many experiences that can be used for Aino Techno Gals parties. There are things I can only see now and things I can’t, so I’ll keep dancing as long as I live.

It’s still a secret, but I’d like to announce something soon! Thank you for reading it until the very end! If we meet on the dance floor, let’s dance together!

Follow Aino Techo Gals (@aino.technogals) on Instagram


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