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43 posts

DJ ID: Meet Onju

"I hope that being a DJ becomes a simple tool to document the journey I've been on and to create beautiful images, like having a piece of paper and a pen for that purpose."


"I want everyone to take a trip with me! Let's enter another world together!"

DJ ID: Meet Bailefunk Kakeko / DJ nonono

'I feel that I am close to the people of Brazil on SoundCloud, even though I am physically far away from them. I hope that people who share a love for the same kind of music can meet each other, regardless of where they live.'

DJ ID: Meet Soya Ito

'DJing is a tool to find people who share a vision of the future and the world they want to see!'

DJ ID: Meet nasthug

“I’m probably more hip-hop than anyone else, so hip-hop people naturally gather around me. Seriously!”